Friday, March 15, 2013

A bit

This is a bit that will be included in an entire work later, but I wanted to record this bit before I forget it. So, what I just said is that this is a short snipet of a full book that I intend to write in the future.

As a young woman husband shopping is a lot like window shopping. When you see what you want you will know, but if that doesn't work, you start making lists thinking you are fortunate to have not met Mr. Right in high school anyway, cause you are so much wiser. You find your list man and realize lists are foolish and toss it.

Then after divorce, now you know better what to look for. After you try window shopping again and realize you are much older and don't want to be seen as a cougar, but attraction is important, now you know by trial that you must find a good combination of both(the book and the cover. The book is reflected on the cover usually) But, nope that wasn't it. You do not want your daughter to know. You want her to live happily with the idea that you are in a happy healthy relationship, but of course you like the facade of knowing best.

So, you advise your daughter to look for the one that will be easiest to clean up after, cause let's face it a very smart and sexy guy is going to be at work most of the time while you are stuck cleaning up, and living in squalor is not always about money. Good advice, no? Well, face it, she isn't going to hear anything but, blah blah blah smart and sexy guy blah blah blah... And she will think back and wonder why you were so concerned with her finding a smart sexy guy when she is perfectly happy with the plumber's boy who is neither, but their toilets always work!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dig deep

Growing up I asked about the cute little flags you would occasionally see next to the sidewalk. They would look great on a bike, but they were placed for a reason, I was told they were a reminder not to dig too deep because there was something dangerous below.

Still waters run deep. To even take a sip a whole lot of digging is required.

Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core there is talk of wind being invisible until it disturbs the water. I think, and are oblivious to our atmospheric changes sort of. Isn't there a.similitude about being safe and oblivious underground.

I cannot shake a suggestion not even made to me personally, but that only those truly worthy and willing to dig deep enough will find the truth. Or in other words via x-files the truth is out there. But, I am not deserving of it.

I think that truly great minds contemplate issues that lead them to truths. Such truths give a sudden burst of electricity, one like those little flags warned not to dig right there. Anyway, those great minds discover something that for some reason I cannot comfrehwnd and I feel like I must not be digging deep enough. I must not deserve to know, or be shocked.

I ought to be thankful the idea of being shocked doesn't sound comfortable, but I really feel excluded because so many of the desirable thoughts came to other minds in a different way.

Like John Nash on a Beautiful Mind his mind is the trouble so he cannot use it to solve the problem. I now, finally understand that true beauty is not having big boobs, but great thoughts. I'd rather dazzle with ideas than appearance, but any that I would like to impress would never be on,my level so to speak. I have been forsaken and find it hard to be thankful.

I missed the mark. I dug just as deeply, doing all the heaving and laborious work, but nothing. I just don't get it. It is called a blessing by so many. If I named this state I'd call it ignorance.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fish conversation

I am going to write a story about a newlywed couple. The woman is feeling down and so her husband tries to cheer her up with new companions. Fish. Betas, actually. Then for entertainment they decide to give the fish voices, and it is through realizing how ignorantly trapped the fish is, though it is in a better situation than most bettas, she realizes that the fish is really giving voice to her hidden feelings. There is going to be a scene where she tells her friend of the odd gift and her friend brings unconsidered truths to mind about how awesome the gift of a living thing is. Now, she sees more than simply how cruel it is to restrict a living thing, and she names and lovingly refers to them as her babies.

The husband while speaking for the fish professes once again his undying love, and naturally begins singing, a fish song! How fishy! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jail scene

Where the heck is this coming from? I wanted to spend a little time fleshing out this story, but my mind is preoccupied with a scene of a brother who is imprisoned and his sister goes to visit him. Until I write this out, nothing else will come to me.

One other thing, sort of a side-note, is this interview I saw of Morrissey where he was asked about his creative process. He explained that he was not so intelligent or witty and not the mastermind, but rather the tool (my words not his) and things just fell into place.