Friday, November 16, 2012

She rides down the high way in her brand new car with her brother who managed to convince her to let him drive though he was technically underage. He seems to be doing fine but to calm her nerves she turns on the radio, the dj announces that je has recieved more calls regarding this particular song than any in history. Her inyerest is piqued and the song begins playing, "drive on. don't stop now..." rather appropriate as he has missed his turn, "I'm the one driving, but we're headed for greatness, headed down this highway that we've both been before."Just then a dog runs out in front of them on the highway, likely retrieving the previous carrion that had ventured out on this particular hill, and the great blinding sun had increased the heat of the road e.ough to causr a very tempting aroma to have reached this hungry mongrel. Wether or not he had,been pro
perly fed never crossed the mind of the young driver who slammed on the brakes giving his sister quite a whiplash. Then, turni.g off the radio he sang "It stopped short. Ne er to chime again... There's one for ya' sis." In a bit of shock which was understood as the near accident in her car cause by lack of judgement in letting Justin drive anyway, she gulped and feabily said, "That was quite the song, huh?" Still miunderstanding her, which seems to runin the family. "I always wondered why we sang about and old man dying, but I guess as kids we sang about everthing like cradles falling out of trees or the Bubonic plague."

She had a life changing experience, though it hardly seemed like a big deal. She knew that she would never be the same. Her brother was visibly shaken and the situation demanded her attention and action and so she snapped out of her haze to join Justin in this mundane dilemma. "It's things like that that they,made the word accident for. No point fretting over what is done. Time to consider what we do next. Getting home is still our goal, right?"  Justin responded in the affirmative, but asked how to get out of the ditch first. She offered to push from outside and explained that she knew of a back way that they could,travel being as they had missed their usual turn already.

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