Thursday, November 21, 2024

bit by bit, eh

I a fed up with this dieting crap. I was desperate last year at this time, but all records show I was under 150lbs. I was what is commonly referred to as underweight. I am now securely at 165lbs after frantically trying one thing after another always being convinced I have found the Holy Grail or something. I have, against my instinct, decided that I need to stick to this intermittent fasting because it cannot be ruled out yet, though I feel excessively overweight, but most importantly, over sized. I am comfortably a size 10 though, which is medium, but I do not like the way it looks. Maybe it is because I am used to seeing an unhealthy little me. I could actually do something to make what I am look nice, instead I frett that I am an ugly duckling ( size 4 makes me look fat! ).
My balance is markedly improving according to my balance board, and the wii fit always predicts my body age at anywhere from 18 to 36. I think such improvement comes from staying the same weight for so long ( intermittent fasting ) I believe my comfort spot is at 160 to 165 and I have stayed that weight for over 6 months.
  I noticed that my piano has also improved due to practice,  still I rewrite a whole lot. Today, I decided to force myself to play uncomfortable pieces and then, again, I remembered that I ought to play my Hannon exercises until I am blue in the face. They actually led to improvement before, it is not dramatic improvement, but rather bit by teensy teensy bit. Still, if improvement is possible I want to achieve it, plus, Heavenly Father said I could accomplish anything I set my mind to.. and this was my greatest talent, so I have that vote, and really that ought to be all that matters. It may be gradual, but ultimately mastery will come...uh, and I believe the weight gurus though they may be well-meaning, my mother was correct, that ultimately, I must forge my own path, and something whispers eat as much as you can and then run, it is what you were designed to do. The hindrance being, I cannot run. I ran a road race and all, despite being hurt while doing so.
I will complete my 12 weeks with Mt new routine before I write it off. Seriously, when experts talk, it makes sense, but when I measured (quanitfied) myself, the results did not match. But, I tried to adjust to make myself equal what they said was suppose to happen. Instead, I ought to have realize it was wrong for me, so stop listening.  When I was hospitalized, the medical doctors did not say, " it is likely you will not overcome this, the odds are against you." They told me, scientifically, you will not survive. But I did. " ok, ok, but you certainly will never walk again." But, I did. So, obviously, my body does not follow their rule book. I ought to have realized that by now. I easily ignore comments Nick makes, and now I concluded the same thing, and have sadly found out it did not work. Well, duh, I pretty much decided it would not work long ago when Nick told me I needed more water...whatever. I did have symptoms of dehydration, but it was not caused by hydration.

Man, I did not mean to get stuck dwelling on fitness. But, popular thing are things that tell you there is an easy way. I fell prey because I knew that fasting works for my body...leaches do not, BTW. (laugh)so, the easier version in theory works just much slower. I am mid-theory so I need to stick it out.

I decided, and it may be wrong. That my metabolism has adjusted to my new fasting routine, and settled me into a 165lb me. My new plan is not a OMAD but still a 20/4 plan with two windows, and I skip lunch. So , I go 10, 1 hour for breakfast ( high in protein ), then 10 hours and 3 hours for dinner with my family. I would really like to start walking after dinner, but no one wants to do that.

Anyhow, I will update next year sometime regarding the Hannon Studies.