Growing up I asked about the cute little flags you would occasionally see next to the sidewalk. They would look great on a bike, but they were placed for a reason, I was told they were a reminder not to dig too deep because there was something dangerous below.
Still waters run deep. To even take a sip a whole lot of digging is required.
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core there is talk of wind being invisible until it disturbs the water. I think, and are oblivious to our atmospheric changes sort of. Isn't there a.similitude about being safe and oblivious underground.
I cannot shake a suggestion not even made to me personally, but that only those truly worthy and willing to dig deep enough will find the truth. Or in other words via x-files the truth is out there. But, I am not deserving of it.
I think that truly great minds contemplate issues that lead them to truths. Such truths give a sudden burst of electricity, one like those little flags warned not to dig right there. Anyway, those great minds discover something that for some reason I cannot comfrehwnd and I feel like I must not be digging deep enough. I must not deserve to know, or be shocked.
I ought to be thankful the idea of being shocked doesn't sound comfortable, but I really feel excluded because so many of the desirable thoughts came to other minds in a different way.
Like John Nash on a Beautiful Mind his mind is the trouble so he cannot use it to solve the problem. I now, finally understand that true beauty is not having big boobs, but great thoughts. I'd rather dazzle with ideas than appearance, but any that I would like to impress would never be on,my level so to speak. I have been forsaken and find it hard to be thankful.
I missed the mark. I dug just as deeply, doing all the heaving and laborious work, but nothing. I just don't get it. It is called a blessing by so many. If I named this state I'd call it ignorance.